Two years ago, XINNIX and MMS partnered to bring comprehensive mortgage knowledge and sales training to our Credit Union partners. Believing that well-trained mortgage originators are the key to successful mortgage lending programs, MMS pledged to subsidize 50% of training completed through XINNIX. Today, 13 trainees have completed various XINNIX programs through MMS.
Heartland Credit Union (HCU) has graduated four LOs from XINNIX’s training program. Michael Lorimor, AVP of real estate lending with HCU says the XINNIX training is a crucial part of their new hire program, especially for LOs with no previous experience. “Lending is all about confidence. Knowledge builds confidence. The XINNIX training is a great compliment to our in-house training and the training MMS provides.”
Lorimor says new hires go through a very organized, timed and goal-oriented training process. The intense program, with goals set along the way, forces the new hire to complete the homework and learn the basic material without cutting corners. It is accountability driven.
MMS and HCU are both learning organizations and XINNIX provides another foundational tool to go with the education already provided. Lorimor believes that MMS sharing 50% of the cost for XINNIX confirms their commitment to helping Credit Unions become leaders in the mortgage field by providing a cost-effective way to receive very good, accountability-focused training.
“Real Estate lending is a very big world and every scenerio is unique, which is why this field is so fascinating but also why training is so time intensive for us to do solely in-house. XINNIX takes the bias out and teaches basic income calculations in such a way that the new hire retains the material very well,” says Lorimor. “When the training is complete, I believe a new originator’s analysis skills rival even the most seasoned lender.”
In addition to the new originator training, XINNIX offers a course for seasoned LOs that focuses on sales and marketing strategies to build referral relationships and another for solidifying relationships with a Credit Union’s existing database. This training, regardless of the level of experience the staff has, encourages growth and strengthens the mortgage lending team’s skills.
If your Credit Union is interested in how XINNIX can help your organization, we encourage you to our training department.